For Heartbroken Parents: I See You, I Acknowledge You, I Care About You.
A message from Nathan
Mother’s Day came and went and Fathers’ day is right around the corner. Many people either called their mothers or were lucky enough to spend some time with them. Others will soon be thinking of a gift to get their dads. But these dates and times can also be a trigger for loss and a lot of emotion. For Heartbroken parents, please remember that you are not alone and we are there for you during this difficult time.

For the parents trying to conceive.
With well wishes and images of babies popping up everywhere on social media, this time can be particularly challenging. What can help, is to remember and acknowledge women in your life who have added a positive impact, whether it be at your work, in your neighborhood, or distant friends. This day is about celebrating women who play an important part in our lives.
For those that had, but lost a child.
Losing a child is often considered the worst type of loss imaginable since the parents are not only losing a child ,but the future that they were in the processes of planning. According to Statistics Canada, there were 1,153 early neonatal deaths in 2015 alone.The best thing friends and family can do is be present, available, and supportive. Even if I haven’t experienced these feelings and would never presume to say to anyone, “I know what you’re going through” I believe it is important to try to be there as a helping-hand of supportive shoulder when required.
For those that don’t get to see their children regularly.
During this time of uncertainty, many families are not able to see one another. Moreover, whether due to a messy divorce or long-distances, many parents are not able to visit and spend time with their children. This can cause an extra burden and feelings of separation and anxiety. Remember to put the child’s well being first and to find alternative ways to communicate with them.

For those missing their parents.
Mother’s and Father’s Day can have the inverse effect on a child grieving for the loss of their parents. Whether the child is young or old, or whether the death was recent or many years ago, this time can summon up a lot of feelings of grief and uncertainty. For many, a parent is a guiding source and when that loved one dies, many people feel frozen. It’s important to remember that feelings of loss aren’t a bad thing, nor something to push down or away. It connects you to the person you loved and helps you going forward.
There is no simple solution
Many times on my blogs, I like giving out ideas and solutions that I found worked best for me and my baby. There is nothing I can say or do that will make your pain go away in a snap. I can only say that from the bottom of my heart, I am here for you and I care about you. There will be hard times, but better times down the road, and I am ready to share both those times together.