“Did you hear? Superheroes are real.
They are called single parents.”
I believe each and every one of us is born with a gift – a gift that we are supposed to use and share with the world. For me, I believe that gift has been to help and inspire others. My name is Nathan and I’m a proud single father by choice. My journey to parenthood has been anything but normal. After 8 years of my surrogacy journey, the stars aligned, the unicorns danced, and my daughter Nanette was born.
I speak shamelessly, openly, and honestly about my journey to single-fatherhood and my modern family. At first, I created @singledaddybychoice as a place of refuge – a safe place to harbor all of what I was thinking and going through as a working single parent which also served as the perfect platform to document my experiences. It became my outlet, a sanctuary to hold and convey my experiences.
I guess I am a blogger since I’m the one clicking “publish” on all these posts. Sometimes I also believe I’m a writer who is also a small business owner/visual artist/cellist but the truth is I was once a procrastinating commerce student (circa 2000s) and decided to start writing.
In addition to my quasi-normal personal stories, heart wrenching-insights on single parenthood, I like to post parenting memes and episodes of “Nathan & Nanette Toy Unwrapping”, where you guessed it…we unwrap and review toys!
I hope you find inspiration here. It probably won’t be in the form of drool-worthy images or ‘Instagram-worthy’ posts. But at the very least, I hope you’re able to find a REAL place to connect, be inspired, and share on this crazy, beautiful journey through life, single-parenthood, and everything in between.